
About Us

Our owner, Elisabeth Johnson Holod, has been in the business for many years and has always been interested in sharing ideas globally through travel and music.

"As a college student in France, I was mesmerized by the famous sound and light (son et lumière) extravaganzas on enormous châteaux. Magnificent light shows illuminating fairy-tale castles accompanied by beautiful music left an indelible impression on my soul.

Fast forward to life as a parent visiting my son studying in Oxford, England.  We were enjoying the Festival of Lights featuring English son et lumières where the backdrops were not castles but famous old museums. The light show included artistic images with meaning. The music was beautifully original. Standing amidst a group of hundreds, I was transformed back to my former college-student self, full of wonder and hope.

That was November 2018.  I dreamed of bringing that very same large-scale sound and light experience to my hometown. In December of 2020, a year fraught with injustice and a global pandemic, the grand, marble  beaux-arts Cathedral of Saint Paul, Minnesota welcomed thousands of viewers to the magic of Luxmuralis’ sound and light show, The Manger.

We eagerly look ahead to bring more original musical artistry to other large-scale venues.   Places of worship often work well due to their vacuous interiors and enormous exteriors, plus they are often free and open to the public.  Any large outdoor public space with visibility is ideal!

Whether you are a venue looking to share magic and wonder with the world or just love the idea of bringing people together using art and music, please reach out.  We’d like to join you!"

-Elisabeth Johnson Holod
